Saturday, January 10, 2015

Nice to Meet You...Again

Hello friends!

Welcome to my little, tiny, miniscule piece of the world :)  I am so glad that you have taken the time to stop by and say hello.  Last time I began my blog, I was 28, was teaching high school sophomores full-time as a church history and world religions teacher, and I was still practically a newlywed. Eventually, my blog tapered off as school and life kept me running around, grading papers, taking students on trips, creating assignments, going to meetings and after-school functions, and having adventures with with my awesome husband.

So today I turned 35 (Yay, mid-30s!!!  I think), and I am now staying home with a toddler, but NOT teaching. I should have WAY more time to write, right?  Ok, perhaps not, but there are still so many interesting things to write about and talk about, and with significantly less adult conversation in my life, there should probably be an outlet to all of these thoughts, recipes, music choices, funny stories, serious stories, and such so that I don't spontaneously combust.  Plus, I just can't get some of these ideas out of my head without putting them down somewhere.  Somewhere that I can't lose, like my many notepads, post-its, and smartphone lists (that I accidentally delete).

This is a place to talk about any number of things.   Being a mom with all of its joys, goofs, frustrations, and challenges.  Changing and conflicting worldviews.  Being a wife with all of its craziness, fun, and reality.  Being a girl who loves people, loves the Lord, and still struggles with where she fits in sometimes. Travelling to interesting, spicy, vibrant places and meeting similar people. Cooking delicious food for people you love.  Listening to thought-provoking music, which usually makes me cry.  Reading things that challenge my heart and that force me to examine why I believe the things I do.  Hearing stories that matter to individuals and to communities.  Trying to identify how a woman is to live out her calling in the place where God has placed her.  Trying to understand and know this loving, infinite God who created us in His image.  

I invite you to share this adventure with me -- whether it is the adventure on the other side of the world in wondrous places with the unfamiliar around every corner, or whether your adventure is dealing with a toddler sick with a sinus infection who sporadically decides to jump off of the changing table into your arms full of diapers...not that that's happened to me.  Whether your adventure is as a married woman, a mother, or as a single woman, we all seem to struggle with many of the same questions, silly and serious.  We are all wondering if this is it.  Let's share some real stories and real life and find joy and wonder where we are.  Thank you for walking alongside me.

Grace and peace,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, it HAS been a while since you have blogged! LIFE HAPPENS, right?! I look forward to reading your words and chatting about the joys and challenges of life. Happy Birthday!