Holy Cows ( ok cows aren't holy unless you are in certain countries), goodness three weeks is along time. If there is ever a thought of being seperated for a long period of time early on in marriage QUIT THINKING. I can understand the Old Testament view of not being burdened with new labor or other issues in the first year of marriage. The old hats at marriage who read this may think "oh, you newly weds you will eventually look for long periods of time apart", a week or two at max and as stated in my first post I hope I never get used to it. I do think though that there is a difference for the one who is traveling. You get to see new things and experiences (which I am extremely happy for Michelle to do this) the person not traveling sees the same old things. Travel should be done together...is my vote.
So during this time apart I had some good ideas of things to get done in the house. Ideas is about where it stands. I have a week to finish or start depending how you look at it and I imagine that once she comes home I won't get anything done for awhile either. Golf and seeing my family in Oklahoma (a little fishing, but bad weather) and hanging with dad here have all been awesome but it doesn't replace the ole' weef. So either next time she goes I need more vacation time or start a Ph.D at Oxford...neither of these seem likely so I better get used to it. These cases could cause me to consider clonning and sending the clone to England. "You funny people thought I would say send the wife and keep the clone." The original is always better...Coca-Cola Classic vs. New Coke...need we say more.
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