Saturday, July 12, 2008

"Words, words, words..."

I love words. Now, for a few of you, that may go without saying -- as my dad says, "Michelle only learned to talk faster when she got her communications degree." (Altogether true, but I have NOTHING on Jillian, my sister when it comes to talking :0) Well, I have decided, since coming to the UK, that there are many other things I like about words:

1) I like to make them up (always have). -- I came up with a new word the other day while talking to one of my students. The word? Fun-guishing. The definition? The fun, but anguishing feeling you have when you have just started dating a new person, but you're waiting for him to call, but you wonder if you should call him because........well, you know what I mean.

2) I like words in different languages, especially Welsh. -- The Welsh language is mesmerizing. I think they just took a bunch of letters, threw them up in the air, and when they landed, they made the random arrangement into words. i.e. digwyddiadau = what's going on, Cymru = Wales. Here's a sentence from a brochure at Tintern Abbey -- "Dilynodd y mynachod Reol Sant Bened a oedd yn galw am ufudd-dod, tlodi, purdeb, tawelwch, gweddi a gwaith. Anodd credu y byddai hynny'n apelio rhyw lawer!" What I really said was, "The monks followed the Rule of St. Benedict which demanded obedience, poverty, chastity, silence, prayer, and work. Makes school homework almost appealing!"

3) I like words that are supposedly in my language, but they aren't really. -- The British have some fabulous words here. Instead of sneakers or tennis shoes, they have "plimsolls." I'm trying to imagine Greg getting him a new pair of those. Instead of toilet paper, "lavatory rolls." A book cover is a "frontispiece." A "bap" is a floured roll for a sandwich. And you always want to make sure that you don't "faff about" or you may become "bamfoozled." Dr. Speck said "bamfoozled" three times in 10 minutes the other day. Oh, and you don't get involved in controversy, but you may take part in a con-TRO-versy.

4) I like funny sayings or street signs. -- Last time I was here, I was introduced to the "humped zebra crossing" -- a black and white striped speed bump. Can someone help me figure out what a "humped pelican crossing" is???

5) I like names of places here. -- On our way to Wales today, I decided on places where I would like to live. I think Binsey Road or Prestwick Place would do. But I think I would spend my vacations at Wickleshamlodge Farm. Isn't that quaint?

6) I like really long words that say something quite ordinary. -- Wouldn't you rather call yourself a "cruciverbalist" than "a person who does crossword puzzles?"

1 comment:

Greg said...

Not only does my wife like big words she can spell them too. Although, she has been told to use one syllable words when she comes home. There is a reason why we celebrate July 4th in the U.S. and words that make sense could be one of the reasons (we wear tennis shoes)