Monday was Decade Day. We got to dress up like we were from any decade. I went as a girl from the 70s because that was already in my closet, and I had to find something quickly since I was searching around for clothes that night with my trusty camp lantern.
Tuesday was Cartoon/Superhero/Disney Day (see picture -- some of my cute girls). Again, the easiest thing to find was a Mulan outfit. Of sorts. And yes, I know that sounds funny. I had various Chinese apparel in different places in my house, so my hair went up in a bun, and I busted out the bamboo flip-flops. I left my nice, mint-green parasol and chopsticks at home. I can't really carry an umbrella around all day, and the chopsticks looked stupid in my hair. There were a highly abnormal number of Batmans and Tinker Bells running around. And all of the Batmen were itching to ditch their outfits before first period had even started -- apparently, elementary/junior high school age costumes weren't made for high school students.
Wednesday was International Day. Most of the students thought I got confused on Tuesday and wore the wrong outfit. But I fooled them all, and I dressed up as an Indonesian. Ha ha. Totally different idea -- I wore a long, batik dress (Batik is made of dyed cloth -- for instance, if you want to dye something red and blue, and you are dyeing the red part first, coat everything that you DON'T want to be red in wax. Then dip. Remove wax, and do the same thing with the blue parts. Lots of work). Funny thing was, my students said, "That's Indonesian? I thought all Asians looked the same. Why didn't you just wear what you wore yesterday?" [groan]
Thursday was Music Genre Day. Freshmen were Country, Sophomores were Pop (my grade), Juniors were Rock, and Seniors were Hip-Hop. I don't need to tell you how crazy this day was. We had seniors running around with boomboxes and rap music, performing breakdance routines during lunch, a group of NSync boys and another group of Spice Girls, at least 20 Hannah Montanas, tons of bling, big jewelry, and makeup. I had no clue how to dress like a pop star because I was pretty sure that I had no desire to look like Britney Spear, Christina Aguilera, or well, any of those spicy gals. I kind of went the Avril Lavigne/Pink/Hannah Montana way -- fully clothed. I thought it best. Black, white, and pink -- Converse, men's tie, rock and roll t-shirt, teased hair, bright pink and black jewelry. Oh yeah. Funny thing is, I kept being mistaken for being one of my students.
Today, was just good ol' Green and Gold Day (the school colors -- Go Eagles!). Fun times. We've got spirit. The pep rally was today too -- lots of noise, banging drums, tumbling cheerleaders, rowdy football players. Good times right there. And, of course, the football game is tonight -- it's a lot of fun too, plus we get to see old students come back (doesn't that make me sound old saying that?). It makes me miss being an actual high schooler in a small way. But just a small way. :0)
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