Friday, October 3, 2008

Tired in the Midst of Grace

Have you ever just had that feeling like your week was just not going the way that it's supposed to? And on top of that, you're just plain ol' tuckered out. That's how I feel this week. And I'm not the only one. I've talked to other teachers at my school, my husband, my father-in-law......a bunch of different people, and it just seems like it's a tired, blah, this-is-just-not-working, what-the-heck-is-going-on kind of week or two.
None of my lesson plans are exactly going the way I.....planned. For some reason, my timing is off on all my activities and lectures -- I feel sort of like a first-year teacher again. And I'm so tired. I just want to go home and go to sleep. Even though I have been getting enough sleep, I think. To be fair, there's been a lot going on, just in life in general.

However, in everything, I see God's goodness and His grace. I see that He definitely has a big picture that doesn't match up with mine. I see that He is so incredibly creative in how He accomplishes His purposes. I see Him working in such tangible ways that it's rather shocking at times actually. Have you ever seen God work something out that seemed impossible, maybe even just a little detail, but it just jolted you out of that hum-drum, complacent, awful way of thinking of God as a God who doesn't truly answer prayer? In the past week, I've been jolted out of that. Even though life is not fixed quite perfectly as I would see it, I still see movement. He's not a God that ignores us. He's very much paying attention to every detail. So, I'm tired, and life is so not perfect, but in my heart, it's okay too. I'm just going to sleep a LOT this weekend. :0)

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