Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Essence of Man

Many of us men think that being a man is about providing for our families, taking our families to church, being successful, not messing up too bad, watching sports, hunting, fishing, golfing, being a good husband, and numerous other "good" things. Some may see it in more carnal terms, that due to this being a family style blog aren't mentioned.

If this is how we continue to choose to define our manhood we are going to be left wanting. There is something intrinsic to the design of man that calls us to such a deeper purpose and meaning. God created us to reflect the glory of God and to move towards others in such a way that it draws them towards God or draws the godly strength or beauty out of the other person.

We often settle for the first paragraph because we are scared to death to move towards another person, because we may not be able to control the chaos or from our perspective be successful. God doesn't call us to be successful. He doesn't care how much money we make, what toys we have, how physically beautiful our wife is, or how well behaved our children are. Our success is measured in our obedience to Him. Not how we perform or how well we do what He calls us to do, but the mere fact that we stepped into the chaos and attempted to speak life into it.

As men, may we repent of how we have cheapened the great privilege God has given us in manhood by making it about performance and achievement and learn to step into the chaos and and move out of the strength of the ONE who created us.

For more read "The Silence of Adam" by Larry Crabb.

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